We are an NHS Community Pharmacy serving the people of Carshalton.
Availability - If you are too busy to arrange an appointment to see your doctor or feel your problem is not severe enough to talk to the GP about, you can always call in to our pharmacy. There you will be seen, in private if required, by a highly qualified healthcare professional who can give advice and if necessary supply a remedy or refer you on to a very wide variety of national and local services, if your problem requires further help
Kits please keep above from our pharmacy
This pharmacy operates a prescription collection service from our local surgeries. For further details ask any member of staff.
You may have noticed that we record all prescription items that you bring in on our computerised Patient Medication Records (PMR). Our computers alert us to any drug interactions or unusual doses. They keep track of what you collected and when and of any items we may have owed you from your last prescription.
You can choose how you want your prescription to be dealt with. You can organise for us to collect your prescription from your surgery, or you can collect it yourself. If we collect it, it will be ready within 48 hours for you to pick up, depending on your surgery's repeat prescribing policy. If you bring it in yourself, depending on the time of day, the script should be ready within 15 minutes or so. If you qualify, we may be able to provide you with an aid for taking your medicines - ask at the counter.
In the foreseeable future (pilots are already running), your GP will be able to send your prescription securely via electronic links to the pharmacy of your choice.
Our computers will be capable of receiving these prescriptions which will make life much easier for you by reducing visits to the GP.
If you have had sex without using contraception, or you think your contraception has failed, you may be able to use Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC). Every consultation is private and confidential and will be in a private consultation room. Our fully trained and accredited Pharmacist will supply EHC when appropriate to clients in line with the requirements of a locally agreed Patient Group Direction (PGD).
The PGD will specify the age range of clients that are eligible for the service; it may facilitate supply to young persons under 16 in appropriate circumstances. We will also provide support and advice to clients accessing the service, including advice on the avoidance of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STI’s) through safer sex and condom use, advice on the use of regular contraceptive methods and provide onward signposting to services that provide long-term contraceptive methods and diagnosis and management of STI’s. * Only available if commissioned in accordance with a local agreement.
You can have a free NHS flu Jab at our pharmacy:
• If you are 50 years of age or over before 31 March 2022
• If you are pregnant
• If you are a carer
If you have certain medical conditions including:
• Asthma
• Chronic Respiratory Disease
• Heart Disease
• Diabetes
• Kidney Disease
• Liver Disease
• Neurological Disease
Medicines are designed to help you with your symptoms but they can be damaging if they are not stored correctly or get into the wrong hands. So here are some simple rules to keep you and your medicines safe:
A) Store them in a cool, dry, dark place, not in the bathroom or kitchen, unless otherwise instructed.
B) Keep them out of reach of children. If possible keep a childproof lid on the bottle.
C) Eye, ear and nose drops and creams should always be thrown away a month after opening.
D) Always check the expiry date on the box or bottle. If this date has passed, discard the medicines by taking them to your nearest pharmacy.
E) Read the instructions on the label and make sure you follow them.
F) Read the patient leaflet that comes with the medicine to see how it should be stored, i.e. avoid storing tablets in sunlight, and to find out about any side effects you might experience.
G) Drinking alcohol while you’re on medication is not a good idea in general and especially bad with some tablets, so ask your pharmacist if you are concerned.
H) Some tablets individually or in combination can affect your reaction time so you must take care if you are going to drive or operate machinery while on medication.
I) Your tablets have been prescribed for your individual symptoms, they are not designed to be given to other people, who may have other conditions or medications that would react badly to your tables. So please don’t share.
J) If you have a minor illness that you want to buy a medicine for, always check with the pharmacist when you are purchasing it, that it will not interfere with any tablets you are on from the doctor.
We offer vaccination to for your travel needs including yellow fever
We offer all travel vaccinations and malaria tablets to suit your needs. This includes rabies,tetanus,diphtheria,typiod, etc
We also give MMR vaccines for people going to Mecca for Haj or Omra
The pharmacy is also a certified centre for yellow fever and most of above vaccines can done on demand and there is no waiting list.
We will beat any price quoted by any other source, please contact us for details.
Availability - If you are too busy to arrange an appointment to see your doctor or feel your problem is not severe enough to talk to the GP about, you can always call in to our pharmacy. There you will be seen, in private if required, by a highly qualified healthcare professional who can give advice and if necessary supply a remedy or refer you on to a very wide variety of national and local services, if your problem requires further help
Kits please keep above from our pharmacy
This pharmacy operates a prescription collection service from our local surgeries. For further details ask any member of staff.
You may have noticed that we record all prescription items that you bring in on our computerised Patient Medication Records (PMR). Our computers alert us to any drug interactions or unusual doses. They keep track of what you collected and when and of any items we may have owed you from your last prescription.
You can choose how you want your prescription to be dealt with. You can organise for us to collect your prescription from your surgery, or you can collect it yourself. If we collect it, it will be ready within 48 hours for you to pick up, depending on your surgery's repeat prescribing policy. If you bring it in yourself, depending on the time of day, the script should be ready within 15 minutes or so. If you qualify, we may be able to provide you with an aid for taking your medicines - ask at the counter.
In the foreseeable future (pilots are already running), your GP will be able to send your prescription securely via electronic links to the pharmacy of your choice.
Our computers will be capable of receiving these prescriptions which will make life much easier for you by reducing visits to the GP.
If you have had sex without using contraception, or you think your contraception has failed, you may be able to use Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC). Every consultation is private and confidential and will be in a private consultation room. Our fully trained and accredited Pharmacist will supply EHC when appropriate to clients in line with the requirements of a locally agreed Patient Group Direction (PGD).
The PGD will specify the age range of clients that are eligible for the service; it may facilitate supply to young persons under 16 in appropriate circumstances. We will also provide support and advice to clients accessing the service, including advice on the avoidance of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STI’s) through safer sex and condom use, advice on the use of regular contraceptive methods and provide onward signposting to services that provide long-term contraceptive methods and diagnosis and management of STI’s. * Only available if commissioned in accordance with a local agreement.
You can have a free NHS flu Jab at our pharmacy:
• If you are 50 years of age or over before 31 March 2022
• If you are pregnant
• If you are a carer
If you have certain medical conditions including:
• Asthma
• Chronic Respiratory Disease
• Heart Disease
• Diabetes
• Kidney Disease
• Liver Disease
• Neurological Disease
Medicines are designed to help you with your symptoms but they can be damaging if they are not stored correctly or get into the wrong hands. So here are some simple rules to keep you and your medicines safe:
A) Store them in a cool, dry, dark place, not in the bathroom or kitchen, unless otherwise instructed.
B) Keep them out of reach of children. If possible keep a childproof lid on the bottle.
C) Eye, ear and nose drops and creams should always be thrown away a month after opening.
D) Always check the expiry date on the box or bottle. If this date has passed, discard the medicines by taking them to your nearest pharmacy.
E) Read the instructions on the label and make sure you follow them.
F) Read the patient leaflet that comes with the medicine to see how it should be stored, i.e. avoid storing tablets in sunlight, and to find out about any side effects you might experience.
G) Drinking alcohol while you’re on medication is not a good idea in general and especially bad with some tablets, so ask your pharmacist if you are concerned.
H) Some tablets individually or in combination can affect your reaction time so you must take care if you are going to drive or operate machinery while on medication.
I) Your tablets have been prescribed for your individual symptoms, they are not designed to be given to other people, who may have other conditions or medications that would react badly to your tables. So please don’t share.
J) If you have a minor illness that you want to buy a medicine for, always check with the pharmacist when you are purchasing it, that it will not interfere with any tablets you are on from the doctor.
We offer vaccination to for your travel needs including yellow fever
We offer all travel vaccinations and malaria tablets to suit your needs. This includes rabies,tetanus,diphtheria,typiod, etc
We also give MMR vaccines for people going to Mecca for Haj or Omra
The pharmacy is also a certified centre for yellow fever and most of above vaccines can done on demand and there is no waiting list.
We will beat any price quoted by any other source, please contact us for details.